I created these four satirical videos in 2002 to help overcome preconceptions developed by staunch, starched Sunday School classes of old. Since then, the "Jesus Videos" have been viewed hundreds of thousands of times.

Why share work from so long ago? This is an example of the creative process I've been honing now for twenty years: Set Goals, Identify Hurdles, Generate Ideas. Our work becomes so much more effective when it's grounded in the why. Plus, maybe you're interested in what kind of voices I can do.

Steadfast ChurchProject type

Unto MeProject type

Geoff Wood BioProject type

Paper AirplanesProject type

ONEProject type

AbsoluteProject type

BeyondProject type

Songs for the JourneyProject type

10Project type

1 Corinthians 13Project type

None Like HimProject type

Obey LoveProject type

Walking WoundedProject type

Maundy ThursdayProject type

CITIZENProject type

The Jesus VideosProject type

AboundProject type